
Modification (修正)

According to the client's request, I made the shoulder's line lower and cut the width and the thickness of the whole work, for making it more light weight. When it is diplayed in the show case, the show case will not be able to support a heavy weight thing. I adjusted the ear to all the types of hearing aids.



Step by step (一歩、一歩)

I started making more in detail. This clay is "sulphur". It is better to be used in summer, because it is hot proof, not like oil clay.



A head of a baby (赤ちゃんの頭部)

I started making a head of a baby for a present. It is difficult even to take photos, because he moves around always. I'm looking forward to accomplishing it.



Summer vacation (夏休み)

One shot of taking a walk in a usual course. I always walk into the stream in sandals and go the trees over there. In fact, here is the place of taking a film which is now showing. Here is one part of Tokyo.



An image of marble work (大理石の作品のイメージ)

Now I finished making the prototype in gypsum. I didn't use a model for this prototype yet. But, I can express an image of marble work by this prototype. This is about a 30 cm square.



Making an impression of prototype (原型の型取り)

Now I poured silicone over the prototype, for making an impression. Silicone is so fluid that it is difficult to use it. But, for making an impression exactly in detail, it is useful. Besides, I need to pour gypsum over the silicone impression for reinforcement.



For an ear of marble (大理石の耳のために)

A hearing aid company ordered me to make an ear in marble. So, I decided to divert a part of my work which I'm making now. An ear which to be under the hair, so unable to be seen. The hand of fate is interesting...



An art teacher, Mrs.Yoshiko Yosino (図工の先生、吉野ヨシ子さん)

The other day, I visited an exhibition in Nihonbashi, Tokyo. The artist is, Mrs.Yoshiko Yosino, an art teacher in Chiba Prefecture. Like a teacher of drawing and manual arts, her works are full of interesting arising from interaction with children.



My marble (私の大理石)

This is my marble to be sculpted for the prototype which I'm making now. This morning it was raining in Ibaragi Prefecture. It was so muggy, the inside of the factory was like a sauna bath.
