In the summer vacation, walking around the river near my house, children are jumping into the river one after another. It's summer!
せーの! 1,2,3!
In the summer vacation, walking around the river near my house, children are jumping into the river one after another. It's summer!
芸術とは何か? What is art?
Seeing the sunset, we can understand nature produce arts everyday. Inspite of such a dramtic scene which is produced everyday, we don't stop walking, nor look up the sky. What is art? Art exists not in objects which are made as works, but in our sensibilities by which we appreciate.
トシェ・プロエスキのレリーフを彼の歌とともに Tose Proeski's relief with his song "zajdi, zajdi"
I made an video clip of making the relief of Tose Proeski. It will help fans of him understand my heart put into this work. The music of this BGM is, "zajdi, zajdi, jasno sonce"(O Set, O Set, Clear Sun).
小窓 A small window
The ear is out over the other prats. I cut buffer sheets like a small window, so as not to break it with shock. I can't imagine how it will be dealt with, in the foreign post offices. I must take all possible measures...
完成しました! I finished!
I finished the last polishing and completed this work at last! I could finish all of three works, so I can take a rest now. Thank you all for your support! From tomorrow, I will start to prepare packing for sending it to macedonia.
セピア色の思い出 Memory in sepia color
It looks like a sepia monochrome and somehow looks sad... I think I could put my impression on it which I had when I saw him at the last time. For Macedonian people, Tose Proeski will continue to be the existence in their memory forever. It will be my pleasure that my work reminds them of his existence.
過去、現在、そして・・・ The past, the present, and...
The figure, which you can see over there, is the prototype of the previous marble statue. Now, she keeps standing still in the factory, after her duty. The past, over there, the present, in the foreground, and the next is what will come? Only God know...
透けて見える耳 A transparent ear
ウシテ・マウク!(もう少し!) Just a little!
I almost erased the traces of chisels, so it is about to finish! I don't want to hurry, but to finish slowly and carefully.
星に願いを The Star Festival
真夏日 A hot day
耳の裏を削り始める I started to sculpt the back of the ear.
If I finish to sculpt the back of the ear, it will be easy to happen to be broken. So, I want to finish it at last, but for knowing the exact positions of the hair and the base of the neck, I started to sculpt it little by little. Today, also I got a call from Macedonia, "When will you come to Macedonia?"...
マケドニアからの電話 Call from Macedonia
When I was sculpting in the factory, Ibaraki, I got a call on the cellphone. I watched the display of it, then it showed an international phone number. Then, I heard Macedonian language from the phone. Mr.Jandre, from Prilep, called me up, when he visited the Japanese consulate in Macedonia. I talked with him and his wife in Macedonian, and also talked with Mrs. Kazu, who cared me in Macedonia. I could hear dear voices. Now, do they see this blog?
髪型の調整 Adjustment of the hair style
As the final process, I started to adjust the hair style. When I finish this process, this work will be accomplished soon. To make the hair one by one, it is impossible and doesn't make good workmanship. To catch the hair as a mass and to make the hair as a block, it will show just like hair.
太陽光 Sunlight
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