
What is this material for the cover of the trash can? (このゴミ箱の蓋の材料は何でしょう?)

Today I made the cover for the trash can of wood. So I pasted the tape with a wood pattern on it. The material of this cover is a cover of a blue plastic bucket. Can you imagine it?


Two months later (二ヵ月後)

After delivering my work, I visited Maruniya, a gallery and coffe shop, in front of University of Tokyo. This is the signboard which I designed for Maruniya two manths ago, now working with light.



White Lion (ホワイト・ライオン)

Today I came back to Tokyo from Ibaragi Prefecture with my work. This lily is called "White Lion". It sounds good. There is a faint of the fragrance of this lily over this room. Tomorrow I will deliver my work to the hearing aid comapany.



Traces of struggling (格闘の跡)

This prototype in gypsum got dirty with marks and broken all over. But, my work in marble has higher quality than the two prototypes in gypsum. To make a better work more than a prototype, if it was not possible, our work would be nothing else but a copy of a prototype. I say it as dialectic of sculpting.



The day light (日の光)

Today I checked her under the day light. Only the sunshine shows us truth. I will make a work in this version for the late Tose Proeski as soon as possible.



I finished my work! (完成!)

Finally I finished my work tonight. Almost two month has passed. The work of stones is not easy, much less only by hand work, without machines. Thanks a lot for cheering from many people.



The time about to finish (完成間近)

Finally I started to curve the hair. Of course, we can't make the hair one by one. Just we sculptors make the form of the hair as a whole.



Full moon (満月)

Tonight the moon is full. Now I came back from a pablic bath by bicycle. The moon was shining over the field. Today I finish to make the ear at last. Its transparency shows the thinness of the ear.



Tose Proeski, forever (トシェ・プロエスキよ、永遠なれ)

Today I got a very sad news. A Macedonian top singer, Tose Proeski, 26 years old died in Croatia, in the car accident. I met him 3 years ago, and we shaked hands with each other. Then, I presented a photo of my work, "Vita Nuova", with my signature. When I come back to Macedonia, I will make his statue in Macedonian marble, sivec.



In the morning, in the factory, like in a refrigerator.(朝の工場の中は、まるで冷蔵庫の中)

In the morning, in the factory, like in a refrigerator.Three days has passed for curving the ear for a hanging-type hearing aid. The thickness of the ear is not so thick, I must pay the closest attention to it. Gradually she has looked to be human.


Transparency (透過)

Can you see the light through the marble? The thickness of the ear is gradually thinning, so it is getting transparency. It is a little bit mysterious.



This is where I can show my skill (ここが腕の見せ所)

This is where I can show my skill, but the back of the ear is a hidden part and it is rare to be shown. But, this is the very part where my skill will be evaluated as a sculptor.

ここが腕の見せ所だが、耳の裏側は隠れた部分であり、 目に留まるのは稀である。しかし、こここそ、彫刻家としての技量を問われる部分なのである。


The back side of the ear (耳の裏側)

With a small drill, I curved the back side of the ear little by little. The climax of this work is.



The final stage of the ear (耳の最終段階)

Finally, I started to curve the back of the ear. I must pay the closest attention to this work. In the next week, I want to finish this work.



A small drill by finger power (指で回す小さなドリル)

Click the photo and see the large image. You can see a line of small drill holes. Now I try to curve the inside of helix. It needs the closest attention.



Lighted by the setting sun (夕日に照らされて)

I almost finished the hole of the ear today. It has already an enough space for hearing aids. From now, I will shape the ear more precisely.



The depth of the ear (耳の奥)

Today I tried to curve the depth of the ear little by little. By this photo, the inside of the ear is not so clear, but it is already curved pretty much, so I must take care not to break the parts of the ear.



Pedestal (台座)

Today I prepared a pedestal for my work. More than one month has passed, it will not be long before it is completed.



The final stage (最終段階)

At last I reached the final stage. The time to finish the ear has come. Today I tried to curve the hole of the ear more deeply.



Exhibitions in November (11月の展覧会)

At the exhibition of Sougetsu in Nihonbashi, Tokyo, Mrs.Enkyo Ikeda's work.


At the exhibition of Nitten in Roppongi, Tokyo, Mr.Hironori Kawabata's work.


Shoulder (肩)

Today I tried to finish the shoulder. The inside of the neck and the shoulder is a little bit difficult to be sculpted. But, not so bad, I think.



Sculpting is understanding (彫ることは、理解すること)

Today I finished the lips. All the day I tried to make only the lips. As I told before, if we see the lips, we can know the quality of the artist. The lips have complex structures, so artists need deep knowledge about the lips. Especially for sculpting a marble, we must understand the structure of the lips deeply.



Depth psychology (深層心理)

All the day I modified the nose and the lips. Already I didn't refer to any prototype and models. According to what I think is beautiful, I make them. Then, this work may show my depth psychology.

一日鼻と唇を修正していた。最早原型やモデルを参照せず、自分が美しいと思ったことにしたがって作っていく。 そのとき、この作品は私の深層心理を表しているかもしれない。


Relief (レリーフ)

Simply speaking, this work is a relief. May be you think it is too thick as a relief, but in the ancient Greece, relief was thick like mine. Thick relief was more than thin relief and usual. This thickness is the origin of relief.



What kind of hair style do you want? (どんな髪型になさいますか?)

Like a hair-stylist, I curved her hair. Her face looks like a woman who takes a nap and waits finishing her haircut.



Hair (髪の毛)

From today I started to make hair. I don't sculpt each hair one by one, but I will make the form of hair as a whole.



Roundness of the eylid (まぶたの丸み)

Today I almost finished the eyelid. I spent much of time to make the closed part of the eylid. In the factory it has gotten cold like in a refrigerator in the mornig and the evening.
