I have one question for you. "If you don't need to worry about money, and you have enough time and money, what do you want to do?" In my case, my answer to this question is, "From the morning to the evening, all the day, I will sculpt a white marble as much as I want." In fact, what you want to do when you have enough time and money is your aim in life, which will be done with your passion and is something original can be done only by you.
After taking a walk, I watched a TV program at home. It was a documentary of a figure skating coach, Nikolai Morozov, for Miki Ando, Daisuke Takahashi. He retired a figure skater, as young, and has been training many worldwide skaters. He said at the end of this program, "The secret of my success is the devotion of my life to my coaching." And if we ask him the same question, he may answer, "From the morning to the evening, all the day, I will coach figure skaters. "