
夕日 The sunset

The light of the sunset was shining through trees of cherry blossoms
in the factory, Ibaraki Prefecture.

最初の一振り The first swing


At the first swing, I hesitated to sculpt a neatly-polished square marble. I feel as if I broke it. Creation and destruction may be one and indivisble.

トシェのレリーフ制作開始 I started sculpting the relief of Tose in marble.


I wrote in Cyrillic, Macedonian, "For Tose Proeski, from Ryota Koshika".


FRPのアイルトン・セナのレリーフ The relief of Ayrton Senna in FRP


I just took an impression of the relief of Ayrton Senna in FRP. From now, I will complete its shape and color.


今日はここまで That's all for today.


Gradually I made the back rounded. That's all for today.

手彫りへのこだわり My philosophy for hand sculpting


Today is the third day, my sculpting is going well. If with machine tools, it may take almost the same time. But, without machine tools, it takes time and effort enormously. Only to sculpt a little surface, it needs curving by pointed chisels like cross stripes, after that, leveling by comb type chisels and by flat type chisels... I can understand feeligs of modern sculptors, who want to sculpt with air compressor-powered chisels. But, there is no better work than hand sculpting, if you want to make a work with your passion and heart...


浮き上がる像 The figure standing out


Making full use of a chisel like a comb, I sculpt outlines. This kind of sculpting is Michelangelo's way.

側面から From the side

今日は側面から彫り進める。 Today I will sculpt the marble from the side.


こつこつ Sculpt steadily

彫り始めはこんな感じ。The beginnig of sculpting is like that.
お昼頃になると・・・ Around noon...

今日はここまで。That's all for today.

茨城での制作スタート!(I made a start of sculpting in Ibaraki!)


Yesterday I moved to Ibaraki Prefecture from Tokyo. Airing the bedding, shopping foods and cleaning...etc. In the evening, I got a time for grinding the back face at last. And this morning, I finished preparing for my sculpting.


日本画家アラン・ウエストさんの展覧会 in 成城!(The exhibition of Mr. Allan West, a Japanese-style painter, in Seijyou!)

日本在住26年の日本画家アラン・ウエストさんの展覧会が成城であった。アランさんとは久々の再会。大学生の時からのお付き合いで、赤門前のアトリエによくお邪魔したものだ。画廊の筒井さんも含め、三人で和やかなひと時を過ごす。詳しくは下記を。 http://www.allanwest.jp/japanese/saishinfuyu.html

Mr.Allan West, a Japanese-style painter, living in Japan for 26 years, has his exhibition in Seijyou. We have been friends known each other since I was student of the University of Tokyo. I used to visit his atelier in front of Akamon. With Mrs. Tsutsui, the owner of this gallery, we three enjoyed our conversation. The following is about the information.


トシェの石膏原型完成!(The prototype of Tose in gypsum was completed!)

トシェ・プロエスキの石膏原型が完成した。これで大理石を彫る準備が終わった。 来週から二つの原型を持って、茨城の工場に移動する。

The prototype of Tose Proeski in gypsum was completed. Thus, I finished all the preparation for sculpting marble. From next week, I will go to the factory with these two prototypes.


石膏の雌型からFRPの原型を取り出したところ (The prototype in FRP taken out from the negative in gypsum)


With great difficulty, I broke the negative in gypsum and took out the prototype in FRP from it. And now, we can see her vertically standing.


光のいたずら (Trick of light)


Finally I finished the negative of the prototype. The figure appears, but it is a trick of light.


こちらも完成間近!(Almost completed!)


Though time is limited for making prototypes, I must finish more than one prototype. This one is almost completed. It is getting warmer, so I want to start sculpting marble early!


Standing relief (自立するレリーフ)

As standing relief, I made the base for sustaining the relief.



Daylight (日の光)

By daylight, the true fugure appears.



The prototype for Tose is near completion. (トシェの原型完成間近)

The prototype for Tose, the late Macedonian singer, is near completion. According to the size of the marble, I adjusted this prototype to it, about size and position.



ミロのヴィーナスの三次元映像! (Three-dimensional image of the Venus of Milo)




In the intervals work, I found the motion picture of three-dimensional image of the venus of Milo in internet. Don't miss it!


Also, I will try to make a modern Venus!


Hair (髪の毛)

One of difficulties for making sculptures is to make hair. Because, even if you make a hair one by one, it may be unable to be seen as hair. As a mass and a stream, to catch and express hair, is important, I think. Can you see this photo just like hair?



A way to know how lucky you are! (あなたのラッキー度を知る方法!)

There is a easy way to know how lucky you are. It is how many or how fantastic beautiful things you meet in your daily life. Men, nature, things or scenery, behaviors and words...etc. Anything is O.K. On the contrary, if you want to be a lucky person, it is better for you to try to find something beautiful in your daily life. If you can find something beautiful in which usually you overlook or are usual, then it will become lucky for you as they are. Let's try!  



Put in the frame (枠に収める)

This silver frame shows the size of the marble which I will sculpt with this prototype. This device is for sculpting the marble as big as possible. The day is coming when I sculpt from the morning to the night.



One question! (皆さんに質問!)

I have one question for you. "If you don't need to worry about money, and you have enough time and money, what do you want to do?" In my case, my answer to this question is, "From the morning to the evening, all the day, I will sculpt a white marble as much as I want." In fact, what you want to do when you have enough time and money is your aim in life, which will be done with your passion and is something original can be done only by you.
After taking a walk, I watched a TV program at home. It was a documentary of a figure skating coach, Nikolai Morozov, for Miki Ando, Daisuke Takahashi. He retired a figure skater, as young, and has been training many worldwide skaters. He said at the end of this program, "The secret of my success is the devotion of my life to my coaching." And if we ask him the same question, he may answer, "From the morning to the evening, all the day, I will coach figure skaters. "



Mild expression (穏やかな表情)

I started to finish this prototype for an exhibition in June. I will try to make it without a model to the end. She looks so mild and satisfied, I think.
