
日本画家アラン・ウエストさんの展覧会 in 成城!(The exhibition of Mr. Allan West, a Japanese-style painter, in Seijyou!)

日本在住26年の日本画家アラン・ウエストさんの展覧会が成城であった。アランさんとは久々の再会。大学生の時からのお付き合いで、赤門前のアトリエによくお邪魔したものだ。画廊の筒井さんも含め、三人で和やかなひと時を過ごす。詳しくは下記を。 http://www.allanwest.jp/japanese/saishinfuyu.html

Mr.Allan West, a Japanese-style painter, living in Japan for 26 years, has his exhibition in Seijyou. We have been friends known each other since I was student of the University of Tokyo. I used to visit his atelier in front of Akamon. With Mrs. Tsutsui, the owner of this gallery, we three enjoyed our conversation. The following is about the information.

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