In fact, to make a half face is more difficult than to make a whole face. Of course, the quantity of sculpting a half face is less than that of a whole face, but, it needs a high technique of sculpting, because I can't use the balance of symmetry.
半分の顔 A half face
In fact, to make a half face is more difficult than to make a whole face. Of course, the quantity of sculpting a half face is less than that of a whole face, but, it needs a high technique of sculpting, because I can't use the balance of symmetry.
彫ることは理解すること Sculpting is understanding
ニュアンスの微妙な変化 A subtle change in nuance
大理石の記憶 Memory of marble
Actually I met Tosh just a once, but as I am making his relief like this, I have an illusion that I faced and met him for the first time. Marble inpires Tose with life again and make him revive as an eternal memory.
表情 Expression
ご来場ありがとうございました! Thanks for your visiting!
10 days exhibition was over, and we finished carrying out our works in the rain. I really appreciate yours' visiting our exhibition and yours' gifts. It was my pleasure to make a chance for you all to touch my marble works and feel by hand. And I'm so sorry some of you came to the museum in the day and the time it was closed. I will make another chance to show you, so please visit again. Now, I'm trying to do my best for the next work!
偶然の一致 A strange coincidence
At the end of the last year, I was sculpting a relief which was ordered. I got an e-mail from Macedonia. It made me surprised and depressed. It told that Tose Proeski, a Macedonian national singer, died in his car accident. Then I had a spare marble and I decided to make one more relief for him. I felt as if my sculpting for him had been decided...
トシェの面影 Tose's look
Gradually the relief became Tose's look. I met him just a once, but it was an impressive meeting. He was on his way to Turkey for European music festival, and I was on my way back to Japan through Greece. I saw Tose shaking hands with his fans, so I gave him a photo of my work with my signature and shook hands with him just in fun (I was on TV, newspapers, and magazines in Macedonia). That was the first time we met each other, but we burst out laughing and we wished each other good lucks. I remember Tose was not like on TV, he was not so high, but graceful, as if he were a prince of Macedonia.
耳 Ear
“シエスタ” 新構造展より "Siesta" in Shinkouzou exhibition
東京へ移動 Going to Tokyo
I left for Tokyo to stand by in the museum on this Saturday and Sunday. Until this evening when I left, I was sculpting the ear as much as possible. But, the change was too subtle to be seen. This is the part which needs the most careful work.
耳を彫り始めました I started sculpting the ear.
Because I can't the right position of features without an almost sculpted ear, I started sculpting the ear. But, I must finish it completely at last. Because I must avoid hitting it by mistake with chisels and hammers.
明日から新構造展!Tomorrow, the opening of Shinkouzou exhibition!
Today from the morning, I was displaying works in Tokyo Metropolitan Museum. Now, I hurried back to Ibaraki. From tomorrow, the exhibition of Shinkouzou-ten will start. If you want to get a complimentary ticket, please contact me. The exhibition will last from 12th to 22nd, June. On my way to here, I visited Tokyo National Museum and watched Dai-Nichi-Nyorai statue in wood, by Unkei, which people are talking. The power of description and the softness of lines are those of the finest artists. If you live in the Kanto area, Do, watch it!
日向ぼっこ Basking in the sun.
首の腱 The tendon of the neck
Carefully I sculpt the tendon of the neck. Now, we can see the face almost as a whole.
喉元 Throat
柔らかな凹凸 Gentle unevenness
I spent one day for the hole of nose and the lips. Human gentle unevenness appears.
より顔らしく・・・ More close to the face...
レリーフの制作再開 Restart of sculpting the relief
搬入完了! I finished taking my works into the museum!
Finally I finished taking my works into the underground storage of Tokyo Metropolitan Museum. My works will stay here until displaying next week. The small work in the foreground is almost my maiden work more than ten years ago. This time I will show three works. If you want to get a complimentary ticket, please contact me in a hurry!
今日はセナのレリーフを持参 Today I took the relief of Ayrton Senna into the museum.
Today, taking the train after getting off the other train, I took in the relief of Ayrton Senna for the exhibition into Tokyo Metropolitan Museum. It was raining from the morning, because of the typhoon, so only a few people came. But, tomorrow, the second day of bringing in, we will be busy. I will bring in my marble work. This exhibition, Shin-Kouzou-Ten, from 12th to 22nd in June. If you live in the Kanto area and have an interest in this exhibition, please contact me. I will send a complimentary ticket to you.
目と鼻の位置を押さえる Sculpting the eye and the nose
口元 Lips
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