
Gallery Maruniya (マルニヤさん)

This is Gallery Maruniya, a connoisseur would know, my usual shop since I was a student. At first, neither I nor friends of Maruniya imagined I would be a sculptor. We couldn't imagine our destiny. I learned how to use gypsum from the late grandfather of Maruniya. Maruniya has been my dear shop for a long time.



The accent on shoulder blades (肩甲骨の強調)

You can understand the subtle, but more accent on shouder blades. This subtle difference shows me a step of my understanding of the structure of the human body.



Symmetry (左右対称)

One of the techniques of sculpting is to finish one side. The other side can be finished the same way. If we should make our work with limited information, this is one of the useful techniques. In this case, using information of one shoulder, I can make the other shoulder as the reversal.



Shoulder blades (肩甲骨)

The parts of slashes are markings to be shaved. I am a stone sculptor, so I can't help making a figure like sculpting stones. Just like traces of chisels.



Are the buttocks a little bit too big? (お尻が少し大きすぎる?)

I added clay to the buttoks, are the buttocks a little bit too big? Perhaps, I guess it will match well as a whole when I adjust the upper part of the back. As an art, it is right to exaggerate the reality a little bit.



Not so bad (そんなに悪くはない)

The narrow part of the waist is not so bad itself. It is difficult to express a charm of a woman within a limited stone, but it is interesting at the same time.



My favorite angle (お気に入りの角度)

I could say that the reason why I started to make this work is to make the undulating form of a woman's body. As long as I see from this angle, I am satisfied with this form as a whole figure.



The study of the structure of the woman (女性の体の構造、その研究)

I added some clay to the buttocks and shaved some clay of the waist to the contrary. Thus, making the back of the woman, I can understand more and more about the structure of the woman.



Not enough (まだ十分ではない)

From the side of view like this, I feel the form of curve not enough, too flat, rather. I need raise the upper part of the back and the buttocks with clay.



The undulation of the waist (腰のうねり)

Now I'm making the part of the waist. How far should I make the undulation of the waist? This will be the most fascinating part of all, I think. So, I must try to make it, until I will feel the best point of the undulation of the waist.



Sleep (眠り)

The title of this work will be "Sleep". You know, the most beautiful face of a woman is a sleeping face. When I made a prototype with a model one day, she had fallen into a doze by chance. Then I saw her sleeping face admiring its beauty. Since then, I have preferred to make a sleeping face of a woman.



Face (顔)

People have various faces. And, passing many years, their faces will change naturally. But, sculpting many years, the faces of my works have become familiar faces, but I have never seen before. I said it the face of my first love, before. But, it may be the real face of my soul, which has been confined for a long time. Today, I reached my fortieth year.


Please touch your backbone behind the neck (首の後ろの背骨を触ってみてください)

If you touch your backbone behind the neck, you will notice its projections. Until now, I only use some photos and didn't use a model. I have been mading this prototype by my imagination. This time, it is my theme imposed by myself. How far can I make it by my imagination?



A subtle change (微妙な変化)

At a glance, do you notice a subtle change? In fact, there is a subtle change about the backbone. I made the projections of the backbone and put emphasis upon the muscles which sustain the backbone from both sides. And if we see them as a whole fugure, you will notice the contrast between the projections and the hollow of the backbone.



Undulating back (隆起する背中)

After all, the charm of the back is dynamism of undulating surface. The muscles which sustain the backbone from both sides make the back tense.



The nape of the neck (うなじ)

In fact, this part, the nape of the neck, is to be hidden under the hair as my plan. But, it is important to make the hidden part, because the hidden part will show its existence by imagination.



Listen to the voice of marble (石の声を聞く)

Listen to the voice of marble, this is my principle. It depends on marble itself how I shape a figure from marble. I think any marble has a shape to become naturally. So, my work as sculptor, is to feel and notice the message from marble.



A liitle work brings a big change of my life (大きく人生を変えた小さな作品)

To sculpt this small marble, just as 10cm, I sold my expensive books for my study as a graduate student at a secondhand bookstore and bought chisels and Italian files. Tools for stone sculpting were so expensive, my bookshelves became empty. Then I felt my life began to change greatly.



Japanese marble (日本の大理石)

This is Japanese marble, rough-grained. But, for me, lovable marble. Almost every day, I went to the riverside near my house with this marble and was beside myself with sculpting.



Confidence (確信)

When I finished this work ten years ago, I had confidence in making scupltures, no matter how big they are. This work is only 10 cm in height and 1 kg in weight, but I felt I could make a work even 1 m in height and 1 ton in weight. And a few months later, I made a sculpture in marble like that size.



The origin of my works (私の作品の原点)

In fact, the narrow part of waist and the part from the back to the hips are the origin of my works. This work was made 10 years ago at just the beginning of my sculpting. I will return to the origin of my works.



Dimples (えくぼ)

You know, women have dimples in their backs. Of course, not only women, but also men have. Usually people don't only see their own backs, but also other's carefully, so they don't notice that. Dimples, which crossing of muscles and tendons makes, make women's back charming.


An imaginary work (イメージによる作品作り)

Any sculptors have their own images of their works. There are various ways to shape their images. In my case, at the first stage, I don't use a model, but I use my knowledge for shaping my image. Because I regard my own image as important. If we use a model from the beginning, we might be influenced by a model's personality and character, so our works might be different ones.



Oil clay (油粘土)

Usually plastic artists use water clay, but it is liable to be dry. We can't leave it as it is without a vinyl cover for a long time. So, for making a prototype while thinking for a long time, it is better to use oil clay. But, oil clay has problem for its surface. It is difficult for its surface to be finished smoothly.



The right way of seeing my work (作品の正しい見方)

From the point of weight and making, I'm making this prototype as lying, but the right way of seeing my work is like this photo. The reason of why her face and body are half is that the rest of them are bueried in marble as my image. In fact, my marble is not thick, so this is a last resort.



A beginning of a new work (新作の制作開始)

I started a new work. This clay work is a prototype for a new work in marble. The size of marble ore is limited, so I determined to sculpt only the back of woman this time. Until now I have sculpted the front of woman all the time, I wanted to sculpt the back of woman.



Finished "unfinished" work (“未完成”の完成)

One month had passed and I finished my "unfinished" work. "Unfinished" itself is my style. How is it to be after this? The style of "unfinished" makes people imagin the course of work after this. Ten years has passed since a short time produced my style of "unfinished" by chance.



The offensive and the defensive (攻めと受け)

It is not interesting to make the same hand as the other. Contrast of the two hands is important. I emphasized the offensive and the defensive, the male and female principles, the positive and negative.



Finished work (完成)

Two weeks had passed and I finished one part of my work. Projections of bone and blood vessel were all sculpted. In Another two weeks, I must have finished another part. This speed may be of historical sculptors who had never used any machines.
