
今日はセナのレリーフを持参 Today I took the relief of Ayrton Senna into the museum.

今日は東京都美術館に、アイルトン・セナのレリーフを電車を乗り継いで搬入した。台風の影響で、朝からの雨。今日の搬入はまばらな状況だった。搬入二日目の明日は、忙しくなりそうだ。明日は、大理石の作品を運び込む。この展覧会は、6月の12日から22日まで(新構造展)。関東近郊にお住まいで、興味のある方は、ご連絡ください。招待券をお送りします。 ryota@koshika.net  まで。

Today, taking the train after getting off the other train, I took in the relief of Ayrton Senna for the exhibition into Tokyo Metropolitan Museum. It was raining from the morning, because of the typhoon, so only a few people came. But, tomorrow, the second day of bringing in, we will be busy. I will bring in my marble work. This exhibition, Shin-Kouzou-Ten, from 12th to 22nd in June. If you live in the Kanto area and have an interest in this exhibition, please contact me. I will send a complimentary ticket to you. ryota@koshika.net

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